401' 2005
We were once seedlings.
And now, we are seeds that have grown & blossom.

bold italic underline link


QingLin. Yvonne. HuaJia. Charmaine. QingLing. HuiYue. Lekha. Desiree. Liling. Serina. Jenny. Rain. Colleen. Reetha. PeiPei. Siti. HuiQing. YiChiann. LiYun. Liyan. Cheryl. Winnie.
Aaron. RenJun. WeiSheng. Chester. Devadas. Kartthe. Gerald. Kishan. Gordon. Ben. ShaoSiang. ChunKiat. ZheSheng. CheeYong. Parthiban. Sherman. XinXing. YiMing. FuDa





Design: parading sentiments .
Resources: headlock.ws 3zehn.org

Sunday, May 17, 2009
9:21 PM

Day/Date: Saturday, 23rd May 2009
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Bugis Mrt Station
Activity: Steamboat-ing
Looking forward to see all!
Please try to make it, much appreciated!

Friday, November 23, 2007
9:01 PM
December Gathering

hello people(:

We are planning a gathering this december and..so, need to know which day/week, majority are available. As well as what to do(eat, chit-chat?)
Yup, so please help to pass this around on MSN,etc..
'cause some may have forgotten about this blog's add.

NP & NYP is having 2weeks holiday on the last 2 weeks of december.
JC's ppl are having holidays now.
Except for SP & RP-i'm not sure. (pls tag if u know) hee.

Okay, so tag your suggestions & available dates asap!(: If you want to post anything, feel free okay(;
Keep this place alive :p

Monday, February 12, 2007
11:41 PM
CNY anyone?

Hi all!

im responsing to cheryl's n serina's qns of... are we going back on fri for cny?

i thought of it last week but was thinking we may not be able to enter + if we could, we might only be able to go for a little while.

pls feedback.

shall decide by thurs. =)


Monday, December 18, 2006
5:15 PM
Dec Class Gathering.

Hi all,

class gathering :

$10 per head.

See ya. =)


Tuesday, December 12, 2006
7:18 PM

hello frens.

chester suggested we go for bbq at his house. =)

kindly leave a comment whether u ppl are agreeable.

those who are stil having tests, JIA YOU wors!!


Wednesday, December 06, 2006
10:04 PM
401 December Outing!! (:

=D december is here again!! wahahaaha... (: yeahs~

ya once again we`re trying to organize another 401 outing this december holidae and in order to get this done quickly... pls pls check your inbox for the attachment that i have sent and pls forward to those dat did not recieve and and!! PLS pls reply and send it back to mi asap okies!!

Ohya... if you all have any suggestions to wher to go or wad to do pls write it in the excel file too =D

cya soon and takecares!! (;

Serina (;

Saturday, September 23, 2006
11:53 AM
MSN Trick

I believe most of you already received e-mail message saying msn is charging $10 for the msn account and asking you to send messages to others so that it will be free. It also ask you to check the BBC website "http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/1189119.stm" if you dont believe, right? However, the person who designed this website "http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/1189119.stm" forgot one thing, the date of the news, which is 25 Feb 2001. So please do not be trick by the e-mail message, it only waste your time trying to forward or create new message.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
4:46 PM

>>>remember this photo?

I made it by using 1 and 0 only. To enlarge it click on the photo.


Thursday, August 31, 2006
10:39 PM
Three praises in a dae (;

haloO peeps!! =D a good news to share (;

our class is being praised 3 times today!!! ahahaha... yes 3 times =D

first time is by jtan... saeing dat our class is called the "MIRACLE" class by the teachers coz our class is the first class to break the yckss history to get 2.58 or 2.68 GP(smth) for our science (both pure and sub!! (; ) ahaha!! and for those who din came todae... jtan said dat he was veri proud of our class and miss our class veri much!! aww.... ahahaha... and he said ALOT ALOT of touching things rite rite hq!! =D but then he sounds so poor thing just now when he was saying about his 322 class... ahahah no one even bothered to celebrate or even cared about him when he entered the class...

the second time was by mrs goh!! (; she say our class did VERY well in our science o levels and is very proud of us =D ahahah... actually third time was also her la ahaha... same words same actions by her (waving her hand from left to right, smiling and smiling non stop)...

okay shall stop here due to serious gastric pain =D

ohya!! mr tan was so NICE!!! =D rescued us from the stupid security guard (which we din expect him to succeed in... =x)

continue to give blog okie okie!! take care everyone and byebye!! (;

serina (;

Monday, August 28, 2006
9:56 PM


Pls ignore the previous post coz everything is in a mess!! =) sorrie for the confusing information =)

The concert on thurs starts only at 11!! =D yes so omg.... ahahahha... and before dat will be lessons!! so poor thing.... and and there will be no aces day on thurs but it will be on wed at yck stadium =) infor provided by rumi so.... quite accurate la huh...

and and he saes dat we can onli enter at 11... =)

but we are still meeting at 10am at the front gate =) coz mr tan sae he can come rescue us at 10 plus so... yes lets meet =D

as said earlier... if any of you reached can give a call to mi, huiqing or liyan (; okie okie!!

ohya... pls try to help us think of wher to go after the concert too =D

takecare everyone!! =) cya!!

serina (;